Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

Attention! Please, adhere to anti-epidemic measures for coronavirus disease prevention.


"Vaccination is the most reliable way to save yourself from COVID-19," Yevhen Kuzyk

At the Vereshchytsia training department, freshmen met with the head of the polyclinic of the State Institution "Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Lviv Oblast" Yevhen Kuzyk. He gave a lecture to the students, during which he told them how to protect themselves from COVID-19 infection.


Yevhen Kuzyk emphasized to the cadets that vaccination is the most reliable way to save yourself and your family from a dangerous disease.

"All vaccines used in Ukraine are certified, safe, and effective," the head of the clinic said.

The doctor refuted the most common myths about vaccination.


"There is an opinion that vaccination can cause disease. This is not true, because the vaccine does not contain a virus. When it enters the body, it causes a cascade of immune reactions, and thus develops general immunity against coronavirus," explained Yevhen Kuzyk.

The representative of the institution noted that all the doctors who provide vaccinations and are part of mobile medical teams have undergone appropriate practical training and education.


At the end of the event, the head of the polyclinic answered the most common questions that concern young people, in particular, he explained what herd immunity is and described in detail how the vaccination procedure works.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment